Animal Shelter Wish List:
Items We Are In Need Of:
Cat litter (clay&clumping)
Purina Cat Chow Complete
Purina Kitten Chow
Canned Kitten Food
Paper Towels
Postage Stamps
Kong Toys – relieve boredom and kennel stress
Gift Cards
Toilet Paper
Garbage Bags
Copy Paper
Thank you to everyone who has ever made a generous donation to our privily run non-profit animal shelter!
Amazon Wish List
Click here to view our Amazon Wish List online. You can order gifts for us right on the Amazon website and it will get delivered right to us!
About Delta Animal Shelter in Escanaba
The Delta Animal Shelter is a 501(c)3 private, non-profit organization dedicated to the direct care of the animals of Delta County. This shelter wasoperated by the County Sherriff’s department until budget cuts forced a permanent closure of the facility in August of 2011. To prevent a permanent closure, a group of animal lovers, The Delta Area Animal Society, took over operations.